In terms of packaging compliance, Sustain has a unique approach which sets us apart from other schemes. Created by and for our sector in partnership with the BBPA, we enable organisations to come together to challenge the rising costs and variable data quality of traditional schemes, using our own in-house experts to achieve lowest cost compliance with highest standards of data reporting and maximum added value.
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Why join Sustain?
Sustain was created to source lowest cost PRN’s. Independent BBPA research shows we could save members up to 20% of their current compliance costs.
Learn moreIs it for me?
If your organisation has a turnover above £2 million per year, or handles more than 50 tonnes of packaging a year (producers) then you have an obligation to act.
Learn moreWho are we?
We’re a not-for-profit scheme, created to deliver low cost packaging compliance and help our member companies reduce both their environmental impact and overall packaging costs.
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Sustain was devised and created in partnership with the BBPA, we’re a not-for-profit organisation, existing solely for the benefit of our members. We operate UK government registered compliance scheme, tailored to the drinks and hospitality sector. Our in-house experts have over 12 years sector specific experience in packaging compliance and a passion for innovation and environmental improvement.